Sarah Sellers

Setting my students up for success right away in the morning is a priority in our second-grade classroom. Beginning the day on a positive note can impact student learning and relationships with their peers. Something our class has been doing to help transition from morning work to our morning meeting is to play a song. These songs are student and teacher choice. Once the song begins to play, students get their learning space picked up and go to the carpet for our morning meeting.

As students begin to transition, many begin to sing along. Even some of the brave ones show off their awesome dance moves. I love how students are able to smile, giggle, and be proud that they are able to sing along. This small moment of fun allows students to reset their mind that, “Today is going to be a great day!” We have worked hard to build a community in our room where students feel safe and welcomed to show off their silly side. Our students are constantly learning. Whether it is academic focused, how to work with peers, or how to manage their own feelings. By having a positive mindset to start their day, students have a higher chance to achieve the goal they have set for themselves.