Emily Schulte

Have you heard your elementary kiddo singing, chanting, or talking about R.E.S.P.E.C.T.? This month our Character Strong curriculum highlights the character quality respect. The classroom teachers provide an introduction to the new trait each month, while helping them make connections, respond, reflect, apply, and celebrate their learning. However, in our guidance special, we focus on growing in our knowledge and understanding of the new trait and use song, movement activities, books, coloring, discussions, teamwork, games, etc. when we focus on the growth aspect of the curriculum.

This week’s activities had kindergarteners thinking about what respect looks like, sounds like, and feels like. We talked about various scenarios and if the kids and adults involved were modeling respect; then we focused on what actions, sounds, and feelings we liked and disliked. Our older kids brainstormed ways they have given respect and shown respect to others in different settings. Then we challenged each other to abide by the class-created Respect Agreement we developed together in each class and each kiddo signed. 

Each classroom teacher will be sharing a newsletter through Seesaw to share conversation starters, “PurposeFull Pursuits,” and celebration prompts to use as a family each month. The family element is a major part of focus in our lessons. Our goal is to not only help students relate the traits in the classroom setting but at home and beyond. We challenge each of you to model and share dialogue as a family and community about how respect lives in your homes and towns!