Benton Community Boys Soccer VS CCA

WaMaC Boys Soccer: Clear Creek Amana vs Benton – April 12, 2022

Ticket Information: Adults: $6.00
Students: $5.00
Conference passes will be accepted

Online Ticket:

Bus Parking: Buses should park on the access road at the south end of the High School.
Locker Area: There will be NO locker room access for visiting soccer teams. There will be
restroom access located on the east and west ends of the concessions stand.
Athletic Facility: We have field turf on our athletic facility. Please remind your coaches and
athletes that there is NO food, sunflower seeds, chewing gum, or driving stakes
allowed on the facility.

Benches: Clear Creek Amana will sit on the south benches and warm up on the south end.

Benton will sit on the north benches and warm up on the north end.

Schedule: 4:24 pm Pre-Game Warm-up (30 min)
4:54 pm Player Introductions
4:58 pm National Anthem
5:00 pm Varsity Game Time

JV will follow after a 10-minute warmup.   It looks like numbers will allow a full JV match.


(We plan to live-stream both games. The link will become active on our CCA
YouTube page at the web address above.

Officials: Luis Parraguez - (Ref - AR1)
Kinogono Matamura - (AR2 - Ref
Paul Bowker - (AR1 - AR2)

Post-Game: We ask that you clean up your bench areas and make sure all trash is deposited in the receptacles located in the middle of the field.