Brooke Kupka

Communication is part of our everyday lives. We all enjoy talking to our friends and families about our day or our plans for the weekend. We enjoy sending emails and texts to our family and friends. And for someone who is non-verbal this is no exception! And they need ways to communicate and express themselves.

Assistive technology has come a long way in the last 19 years of my teaching career. It is great to see the newest technology. A tablet with a communication program that allows the student to express their thoughts and have a conversation with you! It allows them to tell you how they are feeling or what they’d like to do. It is just awesome to see the smiles on their faces when they can tell you what they want. 

With this particular tablet, it can be connected to the Chromebook and the student is able to use the tablet like a keyboard so they can write papers and work on projects. And the tablet can even be used to send emails to people. It’s just such a great resource and allows such independence.